Fundraising: Video Editing Computer for The Ambidextral Gunfighter channel
Since 2018 when I picked up this little 8gb,  i3 Thinkpad, I’ve produced over 400 videos landing over 4 million total views. 
AmbGun has replaced the keyboard and shuffled through several terrabytes of SD card storage over the years.
The Thinkpad 13 will not support updated versions of our video editing software and is suffering many crashes lately…editor freezes losing work or the keyboard stops working and I have to switch to a bluetooth keyboard. 
There have been more than a few times where I have a few spare minutes to do some editing and with editor freezes and keyboard issues, I come away with nothing accomplished. 
On some large projects, simply splitting a clip results in 10 seconds of waiting. My videos typically have a lot of cuts like that. 
Monetization of long videos covers some of the costs of running AmbGun. Shorts…Minuteman most popular format gets very little from monetization…especially as gun content.  
Coming up on 20,000 subscribers and I really need to switch to a more capable notebook for editing.
If AmbGun content has benefited you and you have discretionary funds to help, please consider supporting my Indiegogo fundraising campaign. 
Those who contribute will have their name, business, or favorite quote added to the description of every AmbGun video produced with the new machine.

AmbGun Montage:  Every Clip has a Purpose 

Every clip has a purpose in this Ambidextral Gunfighter Run 'n Gun montage. 
Ambidextrous optimal use of cover.Misuse of coverBalance for divingOne handed to deal with obstaclesLeft and right transitionsPaintball Roots - BunkeringBunkeringOne handed to handle baseball slideTunnel visionTransitionSnap Shooting From CoverGun flat for diving into cover Respiratory PauseDiving into coverRice Paddy prone, squatting<More>

The Ambidextral Gunfighter - Booklet

The Ambidextral Gunfighter:
Why you should become ambidextrous
How anyone can become ambidextrous
What equipment the Ambidextral Gunfighter requires
Automatic upgrade to 4th Edition coming soon.

Free, but PLEASE subscribe to the AmbGun YouTube channel

Am`bi`dex ́tral

adjective.1. Pertaining equally to the right-hand side and the left-hand side.[Webster’s definition]2. A unity of consciousness, in the “zone”, or in a “flow” state inregards to left and right physical mirroring. [AmbGun’s definition]3. A unity of perception in that both eyes are fully capable ofapprehending reality. [AmbGun’s definition]


adjective  (AmbGun pretends to use it as an adverb...which technically would be "ambidextrously")
1. using both hands with equal ease or dexterity
2. unusually skillful; facile:

Why, How, and What

Ambidextrous for "Optimal Use of Cover"
"Regular Guy Training LLC" gets it. The importance of ambi and what the ambidextrous shooter requires...perfect mirroring of the controls. 
A fully ambidextrous trauma kit is important for the Ambidextral Gunfighter. Mountain Man Medical kits are ambi tested and approved.  Be sure to sign up for the free online Emergency Trauma Response course
developed and produced by The Ambidextral Gunfighter is THE ambidextrous gunfighting resource. Why you should become an ambidextrous gunfighter. How you can become an ambidextrous gunfighter. What the ambidextrous gunfighter requires in his equipment.

Ambidextrous "optimal use of cover", optimal use of terrain for steady hold factors.
Training the brain so that both the left and right eye can pick up the sighting system. Perfectly mirrored controls for unconscious, bilateral transfer of skill. operation both left and right handed. 

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