Ambidextral Library

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Now available to read for free online...

The one, must have, book on gunfighting.
Get FREE access to the book, Elliott Wave Principle. The key to retiring early and buying more guns and ammo. Highly recommended. 
Modules For Manhood -- What Every Man Must Know (Volume 1 of 3)
Modules For Manhood -- What Every Man Must Know (Volume 2 of 3)
Modules For Manhood -- What Every Man Must Know (Volume 3 of 3)
Check out the books and training videos at Mountain Man Medical is THE ambidextrous gunfighting resource. Why you should become an ambidextrous gunfighter. How you can become an ambidextrous gunfighter. What the ambidextrous gunfighter requires in his equipment.

Ambidextrous "optimal use of cover", optimal use of terrain for steady hold factors.
Training the brain so that both the left and right eye can pick up the sighting system. Perfectly mirrored controls for unconscious, bilateral transfer of skill. operation both left and right handed. 

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