Point Shooting
Rex Applegate Series
Rex Applegate Series
The natural Physiological Response to Threat and the implications for gunfighting
- Crouch
- Visual focus on threat, tunnel vision...not sights, in fact the tendency will be to shift the pistol lower to have unobstructed view of the threat...shooting at the feet
- Auditory Exclusion
- Heart rate high
- Degraded fine motor control...leaving only coarse muscle control
- Fear's Hormonal dump is not the same as physical exertion
Point shooting technique
- Point shooting is not sighted fire, but it is aimed fire.
- Pointing at an object with your finger
- Finger indexed on pistol
- Tape over sights
- Coarse muscle control means convulsive grip firing technique.
- Rob Leatham's Aiming is useless
- Body Point, Retention, Hip Technique Contact out to 5 feet
- Extended Point Shooting 5-20 feet
- Two handed, isosceles, technique beyond 20 feet.
- Applegate paintball quote
- Optimal use of cover
- Left hand as primary
- Perfect mirroring & why
- Ambi Controls
- How many rounds needed?
- Size and weight
- Opportunity Costs
- Paddle mag release
Applegate Grip Ratio
Applegate Grip Ratio
Three reasons you should carry and present left handed.
Without a doubt the best training aid for pistols (and beneficial for rifles, too) MantisX
This video is a must especially the interview with Rex Applegate at the end.
The video production quality is a bit hokey, but it is carried with the authoritative Applegate narrative.
The video production quality is a bit hokey, but it is carried with the authoritative Applegate narrative.
Mike Glover offers "Alignment Shooting" (Point Shooting) Instruction.
G-Wrap extreme retention technique.
Gun-fighting while grappling
Gun-fighting while grappling
In Fight Weapon Access. Extreme Applegate turret. Extreme Close Quarter Combat.
Shield Sights are made in the UK. Excellent quality, with the features you need, and no gain of function collusion with PRC.
AmbGun.com is THE ambidextrous gunfighting resource. Why you should become an ambidextrous gunfighter. How you can become an ambidextrous gunfighter. What the ambidextrous gunfighter requires in his equipment.
Ambidextrous "optimal use of cover", optimal use of terrain for steady hold factors.Training the brain so that both the left and right eye can pick up the sighting system. Perfectly mirrored controls for unconscious, bilateral transfer of skill. operation both left and right handed.
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Ambidextrous "optimal use of cover", optimal use of terrain for steady hold factors.Training the brain so that both the left and right eye can pick up the sighting system. Perfectly mirrored controls for unconscious, bilateral transfer of skill. operation both left and right handed.
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Some of our posts at AmbGun.com contain affiliate links. If you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission. Clicking on an affiliate link which earns a commission does not result in additional charges to you or cost you anything extra. Mentions of associated products within the content of AmbGun.com may not be noted as an affiliate in every referrence. Money earned via affiliate links helps keep the AmbGun web site and video production up and running. AmbGun hopes that you'd prefer that our efforts earn a commission rather than bypassing our affiliate links and simply adding to the bottom line of large marketers like Amazon.com