Pistol Size & Weight
Handguns - Rounds per size and weight
Handguns - Rounds per size and weight
***** TFB TV (YouTube Channel) has a couple of terrific videos comparing 9mm and 380 pistols with regards to capacity vs size and weight. This is my modified version of their spreadsheet where I weighted capacity on a diminishing returns basis (see explanation video below). If you mouse over the upper right corner of the spreadsheets, you can open in Google Sheets.
Handguns - Round Count Opportunity Cost
Handguns - Round Count Opportunity Cost
28.03A walkthru of my modified version of the TFB TV rounds per size and weight spreadsheet.
Why "weighted rounds"? Look up "Marginal Utility".
Kinetic Energy per size & weight.
Why "weighted rounds"? Look up "Marginal Utility".
Kinetic Energy per size & weight.
The average gunfight involves less than 4 rounds fired. Many threats are repelled by simply brandishing a firearm. So in my weighting I favor the first 3 rounds of capacity and then give diminishing value for each additional round thereafter as follows:1 - 12 - 23 - 34 - 3.985 - 4.946 - 5.887 - 6.88 - 7.79 - 8.5810 - 9.4311 - 10.2312 - 10.9813 - 11.6814 - 12.3315 - 12.9316 - 13.4817 - 13.98
To put the size and weight values on approximately equal footing, I multiplied the Weighted Rounds/oz by three when calculating the Weighted Composite.
To put the size and weight values on approximately equal footing, I multiplied the Weighted Rounds/oz by three when calculating the Weighted Composite.
Shield Sights are made in the UK. Excellent quality, with the features you need, and no gain of function collusion with PRC.
NEW (Beta) Volume analysis tab
Thanks to Blue Guns for supplying water displacement samples for this testing. NEW (Beta) Volume analysis tab
This tab replaces the height x width portion of the original spreadsheet with a total volume measurement (in cubic centimeters). The hypothesis is that there may be some gun manufacturers who put engineering effort into reducing overall volume, are not getting enough credit when looking at just height and width( for example the oval slide on the Walther PPQ vs blocky Glock).
MagGuts +2 magazine upgrade for the Sig P365XL boosts capacity to 14 rounds.
MagGuts +2 for P365XL
MagGuts MC1Sc
Rounds per Size & Weight Spreadsheet
Sig P365XL Review
Glock 9mm Dummy Rounds
Sentry Solutions Tuf-Glide
Sentry Solutions Tuf-Cloth
MagGuts +2 for P365XL
MagGuts MC1Sc
Rounds per Size & Weight Spreadsheet
Sig P365XL Review
Glock 9mm Dummy Rounds
Sentry Solutions Tuf-Glide
Sentry Solutions Tuf-Cloth
Without a doubt the best training aid for pistols (and beneficial for rifles, too) MantisX
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Ambidextrous "optimal use of cover", optimal use of terrain for steady hold factors.Training the brain so that both the left and right eye can pick up the sighting system. Perfectly mirrored controls for unconscious, bilateral transfer of skill. operation both left and right handed.
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