Appleseed Prep

Attend a Project Appleseed Rifle Marksmanship Clinic.

Operating in almost every state, these affordable marksmanship clinics should be a prerequisite before spending $1,000's attending any of the other training academies.

The volunteer Instructors complete one of the most rigorous training programs to earn their Project Appleseed Red Hat. 
Download this AQT target print it on 11x17 paper (Most office supply stores can do this for you).
Or just go ahead and attend a Project Appleseed Rifle Marksmanship Clinic and at the end of the event, check with the Shoot Boss to see if any leftover targets are available. 
The Ruger 10/22 Collectors Series 2nd Edition and the Man's Best Friend version are very hard to find. A great alternative is the Thompson Center T/CR22 or the Tippmann M4 series of rifles. 
BNKR kings Fly Compression Elbow Pads. Exceptionally light. Great breathability.  Padding not too aggressive to hinder steady hold factors. Ambidextral Gunfighter Review.
US GI canvas sling. This one. Do not try to earn your patch with a nylon sling
Your Project Appleseed Instructors will have an IFAK, but you should have one too...if nothing else for the drive to the event.

Project Appleseed Instructors and Students check out Brian McLaughlin's
A Range Medic’s Gear List for the Instructor and Student is THE ambidextrous gunfighting resource. Why you should become an ambidextrous gunfighter. How you can become an ambidextrous gunfighter. What the ambidextrous gunfighter requires in his equipment.

Ambidextrous "optimal use of cover", optimal use of terrain for steady hold factors.
Training the brain so that both the left and right eye can pick up the sighting system. Perfectly mirrored controls for unconscious, bilateral transfer of skill. operation both left and right handed. 

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