Ambidextral Pistol

Training & Weapons Development

Excellent...bend at the waist when you know where the target it located (paintball style).  Move your base out when you're not sure. Snap shooting 101. Just add ambidextrous "optimal use of cover". 
How well can you operate your pistol with slick, blood covered hands? Does grip texture make a difference? How good are your pistol's slide serrations? 
Shield Sights are made in the UK. Excellent quality, with the features you need, and no gain of function collusion with PRC.
The Mossberg MC1sc, Springfield Armory Hellcat, Glock 43, KelTec PF9, Sig Sauer P365XL and KelTec P17 all compete in the Ambidextral Gunfighter Bloody Hands evaluation. Unanimous agreement on the winner. Extended, post evaluation, round table discussion on each of the competitors. Flaws and virtues identified. 

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Ambidextrous "optimal use of cover", optimal use of terrain for steady hold factors.
Training the brain so that both the left and right eye can pick up the sighting system. Perfectly mirrored controls for unconscious, bilateral transfer of skill. operation both left and right handed. 

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